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Do NOT let this Dream Killer come in the way of you living your passion and purpose!

If you are on my website reading this, I’d say its safe to assume that you, in some form or another, are doing what most people DON’T do and are chasing your passion or your dreams (or getting ready to).  

Maybe you are starting a business. 

Maybe you are starting a podcast. 

Maybe you are building your brand and creating content. 

You are BRAVE to do this. Most people fear what happens on the other side of the doors of opportunity, but the most dangerous place to be is staying in the same place. 

It takes courage to find your voice, leaning into the fear of judgment.  

Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, negative self-talk all come up.  

But you lean into those voices and STILL move forward. 

Once you are past that, there’s still danger ahead when it comes to your mindset and the voices that will come up. 

Do you ever ask yourself this: 

“Is it worth it”?  


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How to get paid like a professional

Am I right about this? 

If you treat it like a hobby, you’ll get paid like it's a hobby.
If you treat it like a job, you’ll be paid like it’s a job.
If you treat it like a career, you’ll get paid like its a career.
If you treat it like a professional, you’ll get paid like a professional. 

It just guts me to see people give up so much to chase the dream of being a coach, course creator or consultant but give up after 3-6 months of work and figure ‘it’s not for me’. 

Part of that is because marketers are always setting people up for failure buy promising HUGE results in just a few months and then crushing people with self doubt when that doesn’t happen.

But as much as I like to throw rocks at the High Ticket Gurus, we have to take ownership too.

Are we treating what we do as a hobby, job, career or a professional? 

Hobby: If you give up after 3 to 6 months, or post on social media here and there, take one coaching...

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How I almost missed out on $30k

Last week I shared an email on my newsletter about how I almost caved into self-doubt when it came to launching my last edition of my Leveraging LinkedIn course.

had a successful 1st launch but there was a lot of resistance for me to do it again and so many months went by where I did nothing.  

I avoided taking action & let things get in the way. 

But I knew that since I was feeling that resistance, I needed to do it, and to do it regardless of the outcome.  

I needed to learn the skill of launching a course, because I knew the power of community and being able to impact people on more than just a 1x1 basis. 

I also knew this:  

Building a knowledge-based offer is the PERFECT business. 

  • It can be run remotely from anywhere in the world. 
  • It does not require any degrees or certifications
  • It can be built while you have a job and kids (I have 3 of em)
  • It has minimal overhead costs
  • It requires no physical products...
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The best post I've ever seen on LinkedIn

This post is from Lea Turner, an amazing coach who has created a highly successful coaching business on LinkedIn. 

She wrote: 

"today I sent the most empowering text of my life and it's costing me around £40k.

My son has never met his father. It wasn’t my choice for it to be that way, but it isn’t a decision I regret being made.

I hold no anger towards the situation, but today I sent a message severing him from any further financial responsibility.

Because he needs the money more than we do.

It felt really, really good.

(And it has only been possible because of LinkedIn and the incredible community here)"

I love this on so many levels, especially because Leah changed the conditions instead of adapting to them. 

It's not easy to do, and sometimes it's not right, but I can't imagine the feeling she had sending this text message out. 

We are all capable of changing our conditions instead of adapting to them. 

We are...

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How to validate (and make money) on an idea before you invest time or money in it

You already know 20% more about something than the average person.

People will pay you to help them close the gap from where they are to where you are.

You don’t need to be the absolute expert or guru in a field to teach others.

You just need to be a little bit ahead of others to do so, and it’s much easier than you think.

I’ve see it done over and over again by others and have done it myself.

But people don’t try because they overcomplicate the process.

You don’t need to ditch your job or invest money or time into an idea to see if it works.

In October of last year, I noticed that I had been getting a lot of people asking me various questions about LinkedIn.

At that same time I was going through a course to learn how to build digital courses because I was planning on building one about mindset.

I had only been active on LinkedIn for about 4 months at the time, but I had a lot of success and I knew I could teach others some good stuff.

I thought...

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