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You'll never have to worry about your income if you do this:

When I started in sales back in 2013, I discovered a mindset that helped me to always have more than enough income and it has become a guiding principle for me ever since.

Sales often has a reputation for being:




High pressure

Often in sales, reps put themselves first and do whatever it takes to make the deal happen and it often isn’t in the best interest of the client.

They call this ‘Commission breath’, and it stinks.

I started telling this to my clients:

“If I truly put you first, I’ll never have to worry about my paycheck”.

But I didn’t just say it, I did it.

I stopped worrying about my paycheck and just focused on truly putting my clients first.

And the money just rolled in.

Years later, I could tell my clients that this has always worked for me, if I put them first and I wouldn’t need to worry about my income.

Saying this to your clients is a major way to build trust (so long as its sincere).

Last night in...

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