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Amazing LinkedIn updates to fuel your business

some newer LinkedIn updates that I’m absolutely stoked about!  

The first one is you can now add a Link to an external site in your photos/images, I love this because in this example you can see that I dropped an external link to Monica Jonsson’s Corporate Coaching Toolkit on Amazon. 

Why is this important? Because so many of us have been hiding our external links in the comments, hoping that people will see them but most of the time they get buried. 

And why were we dropping external links in the comments? Because LinkedIn appeared to demote posts with external links.  

There wasn’t a really easy way around it. 

I’ve also recently been dropping external links right in the body of posts and driving traffic off the platform and they have done far better than they used to in the ‘link hiding’ era.  

Here’s what I LOVE about this:  

LinkedIn listened to their audience and instead of fearing...

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Free 5 Day Challenge to turn LinkedIn Into A Cash Making Doorway

I’m putting together a LIVE 5-day challenge called the “LinkedIn ATM Machine 5-day Challenge” where I’ll be showing you exactly how my students are turning their LinkedIn profile into a client acquisition system. 

AND I’m so confident we can help, that I’m giving away everything I know at NO-COST inside of this 5-day challenge when it comes to signing up high quality, high value and high ticket clients. 

Take one of my students, Neshe for example - Within one month of working with me, she closed a $30k coaching/consulting client, then went on to close several more using my Leveraging LinkedIn strategy. She is now helping corporate clients make a bigger impact in their communities through her consulting work. 

LinkedIn is seriously one of the most underrated and untapped traffic sources I’ve been using for years, and here’s why… 

Facebook and instagram purposefully throttle your reach, making...

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