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How To Use Network & Relationship Building To Get Whatever You Want In Life

I’ve always had a passion for music and when I was in my mid 20’s, I wanted to be a DJ and play in front of thousands of people at some of the best clubs.

That was my dream, but the reality was that it was a VERY crowded market and at that time EVERYONE wanted to be a DJ too.

Crowded market, does that sound familiar?

Unless you had some really good connections, this meant you were either playing in your basement to your 4 friends, or if you were lucky, you got a gig but played in the back lounge of some club where no one was.

Gigs on the main floor were so far and few in between, and living in Salt Lake, bigger DJ’s would be sucking up all the gigs because it was easy cash as they travelled from East Coast to West Coast or vice versa.

I didn’t want to play in my basement in front of 4 friends or the back lounge of clubs, I wanted to be on the main stage, and I had to figure it out!

Trying to find the club owner and pitch him on why a no-name DJ should get...

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The Art of Selling Without Selling: Tips for Business Owners to Outperform 95% of Sales Professionals

Do you want to know how to be better than 95% of professional sales people out there, I’m talking about people who specifically do sales as their sole source of income? 

It’s not hard and I’m going to tell you how to do this in this email.  

The past few weeks I've gotten so many sale pitches that missed the mark. 

Want to know what’s missing in all of these?  

This will shock you when you hear the answer because it’s so basic. 

None of these guys took the time to find out ‘what’ it is that I want, they just go into the selling.  

They never asked what I wanted. And the crazy thing is, I have money that I’m willing to hand over if they can help me with what I need. 

On some of them, I even told them what I wanted and they completely ignored me and tried again to sell me on what it is that they wanted to sell me. 

Recently I got asked to participate in a sales role play where...

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