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Why You Should Stop Worrying About High Income & Net Worth And Focus On Passive Income

In this article I'll be talking about: 

  • How the financial system programs people to live in scarcity. 
  • How the biggest financial guru's are not practicing what they teach. 
  • Why I shifted my business to a passive income model. 
  • How to escape the financial rat race by building cash flowing assets. 

Last year I made the decision to stop doing high ticket coaching in favor of creating a more ‘passive’ business model that allowed for cashflow to consistently come in regardless of if I was present in my business or not.

I was making great money with coaching & consulting, but I realized that if I kept going on the current path then I was enabling myself to trade high dollars for less freedom.

The game is rigged.

We all seek to improve our financial situation by acquiring money. At a basic level it takes care of our needs such as food, warmth, and shelter.

Once that is taken care of, we are free to pursue what we want with more flexibility.


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Saving For Retirement Will Not Make You Wealthy | Cashflow Explained

The Financial Guru's make Millions teaching people to live in scarcity. Yep, I'm talking about people like Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey. They've been telling you this:

Get used to living below your means.
Have a plan to work into your 70's.
Stop going to Starbucks because that money you spent on a latte could compound to a million bucks over 40 years.
Pay off your mortgage & cut up your credit cards.
Scrimp and save until you turn 67 and hope you don't outlive your nest egg.
Save all you can and don't spend, be frugal.

They teach people to work their entire life to build up a big ole pile of cash (net worth), then at retirement start taking money out of it and hopefully there will be enough. It's a scarcity mindset that cause people to live in fear of running out, playing defense instead of offense. Saving money isn't a bad thing, its just doesn't create true wealth (freedom to do what you want, when you want).

On top of that, it's not working, the numbers are dire on how...

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7 Passive Income Streams To Create In 2023

Here are 7 ways to make passive income that don't require purchasing, storing or shipping anything, can be ran from anywhere in the world, can be done part time or while you have a job. These are all streams I've created in the last year and only required a few hours from me per week.

1 - Amazon Influencer program - allows you to create 'shoppable videos', basically demo's or videos of products sold on Amazon, they will place them on the product page and if someone watches then buys, you can make between 2-8% commission. Check out my YouTube playlist about the Amazon Influencer Program here! 

What's amazing is I did video reviews on all of my favorite Amazon items in my house, we knocked 200+ video's out in about 45 days. I took the entire month of June off (and most of July) and I'm making around $600 per month in straight passive income that will continue to grow over time as I add more videos. 

2 - Amazon Associate program - anyone can make a small commission...

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Increase your sales using these 6 levers


Got some good stuff in here so make sure to read to the bottom, but first…. 

Last week I shared how I created a 6-figure income that I only spend 10 hours per week on utilizing courses (leverage time), micro steps (15 to 60-minute increments per day) and LinkedIn (source of traffic). 

This week I wanted to share with you some of the top reasons ‘why people buy’ so that you can start connecting your messaging with your offers, and how to integrate into your messaging. 

Of course, there are other reasons why people buy but these are the ones that I focus on most and create good sales levers.  

Here they are:  

  •  To make money. 
  •  To save money. 
  •  To save time.  
  •  To reduce or remove physical or mental pain. 
  •  To raise their social status (gain praise, recognition, build relationships). 
  •  To reduce effort/work.  

Are the offers that you are...

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How to create a 6 figure income in less than 10 hours per week

In this blog I’m going to share how I built a 6 figure business that takes me 10 hours or less per week to run. It's not a gimmick, and it didn't happen overnight, but it did happen in 2 years with small and consistent action steps. 

Here’s the thing: I have a full-time sales role, a podcast, 3 kids, sleep 8 hours a day and also need my ‘me time’. That doesn’t leave me with much more time to run a business does it? 

So, I MUST do this in 10 hours or less per week or it won’t get done! 

Alright, let’s dive into how to create a 6-figure income stream!   

If someone were to ask me what would the perfect business consist of, I would tell them it needed to be portable (something you can run from anywhere and sold to anywhere), scalable (able to nimbly grow), doesn’t require employees, complex equipment of inventory that you had to ship, and something that was unique to me...

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How I almost missed out on $30k

Last week I shared an email on my newsletter about how I almost caved into self-doubt when it came to launching my last edition of my Leveraging LinkedIn course.

had a successful 1st launch but there was a lot of resistance for me to do it again and so many months went by where I did nothing.  

I avoided taking action & let things get in the way. 

But I knew that since I was feeling that resistance, I needed to do it, and to do it regardless of the outcome.  

I needed to learn the skill of launching a course, because I knew the power of community and being able to impact people on more than just a 1x1 basis. 

I also knew this:  

Building a knowledge-based offer is the PERFECT business. 

  • It can be run remotely from anywhere in the world. 
  • It does not require any degrees or certifications
  • It can be built while you have a job and kids (I have 3 of em)
  • It has minimal overhead costs
  • It requires no physical products...
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How I'm Getting A Free Car (For My Wife) And You Can Too


I remember reading a book a long time ago from Rob Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, and he said: 

“If I want to buy a new Ferrari, then I don’t go work for the money or take it out of my savings, I create an asset that pays for the Ferrari.” 

The point he was referring to, was to not trade time for money but use your mindset an asset that in turn creates money. 

I am not at the point where I’ve created an asset just to pay for a Ferrari, but I am at the point where I can replace my wife’s 2010 Toyota Rav4 with her dream car….and do it without trading my time for it. 

In my Audio Masterclass 9 Ways To Monetize LinkedIn in 2022; one of the 9 ways I mention is making money from ‘affiliate’ commissions by referring products or services that you LOVE. 

One of my favorite apps to recommend to coaches and course creators, is Kajabi.  

With Kajabi...

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