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Do NOT let this Dream Killer come in the way of you living your passion and purpose!

If you are on my website reading this, I’d say its safe to assume that you, in some form or another, are doing what most people DON’T do and are chasing your passion or your dreams (or getting ready to).  

Maybe you are starting a business. 

Maybe you are starting a podcast. 

Maybe you are building your brand and creating content. 

You are BRAVE to do this. Most people fear what happens on the other side of the doors of opportunity, but the most dangerous place to be is staying in the same place. 

It takes courage to find your voice, leaning into the fear of judgment.  

Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, negative self-talk all come up.  

But you lean into those voices and STILL move forward. 

Once you are past that, there’s still danger ahead when it comes to your mindset and the voices that will come up. 

Do you ever ask yourself this: 

“Is it worth it”?  


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19 Excuses You Can Use To Get Out Of Chasing Your Life's Dream

 No judgment for anyone that doesn't want to pursue their passion or dreams.

It can be an absolute grind, full of failure, full of uncertainty, full of disappointment and unfilled expectations.

But it can also be the greatest feeling in the world and give you a life full of purpose and unlimited energy!

There will be external things that become obstacles that get in the way, and if you are focused and determined, you will find away around or through them!

But if you choose the path of chasing your passions, don't the inevitable internal obstacles stop you!

1 - The limiting beliefs that lie in your subconscious mind: self doubt, imposter syndrome, self image/worth; the beliefs that you have acquired through life that hold you back. Many of them placed on you by others or by society.

2 - The 'reasons': the excuses, the justifications, the stories that you consciously create to avoid failure and the inevitable success that you could have if you find a way!

Here's the thing...

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