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Can I share a moment of self-doubt with you?

My baby girl came into my office the other day, rummaging around and just being curious, drops a notebook in my lap. 

It flopped open to a page that had my handwriting:  

October 5, 2021:  

“Feeling the self-doubt and the insecurity, really wanting to give up because I don’t want to keep working this hard.”  

The next part said, “Feel it. Observe it”. 

I knew the feeling would pass so I wanted to write it down to remember it.  

This day was 2 days into launching the 3rd version of my Leveraging LinkedIn course and I had not made any sales.  

Self-doubt and anxiety was high, and of course my ego was messing with me worrying about me ‘looking bad’.  

But then the next day I got a sale, and then another, and then another. I started tallying the sales up and by the end of the 10 day launch window, there were over 40 sold, and then have kept selling ever...

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