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Mastering Clear Communication: Tips for Crafting Irresistible Messages

One of my big themes of 2023, to help people get crystal clear on their messaging when it comes to putting out social media content, describing their business and also creating irresistible offers.  

A big problem that people have as experts in their field, is as they get deeper into their specialization, they start to communicate in a way that keeps their audience from understanding what it is that they do.  

Here’s a few tips to keep your communication clear and easy to understand: 

1 – Keep it short. In this day and age, realize that people are constantly bombarded by 5 different forms of social media, advertising, business and personal email, DM’s on several platforms. It can be absolutely OVERWHELMING for most people. The best thing you can do is to keep your messaging as short as possible.  

2 – Avoid Industry Jargon. Sometimes I see people who flaunt their industry lingo to sound cool but what they are...

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