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Mindset Hackers Guided Affirmations: Abundance Mindset (3 minutes)

Listen to this short 3 minute guided meditation with affirmations each morning for 30 days, as early as possible when you are just waking up and your mind is in a 'theta state', the in between and lucid state between the dream world and being awake to program your subconscious.

You can also listen to as a primer before you start your work day, while you are stretching or about to work out.

I use these very affirmations to program my subconscious mind and will be bringing you various guided affirmations each week in between my normal podcasts.

This episode of Mindset Hackers contains the following affirmations on abundance:

I have and abundant mindset.

I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

I cherish the abundance of happiness that each day brings.

I openly share the abundance that I recieve.

Life is full of potential to create abundance.

Today I will be prosperous and manifest abundance in my life.

Abundance in this universe is unlimited and I will harness the power to...

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