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Unlock Results: Replace Overthink with Certainty

If you’ve done any of my recent group trainings you’ve probably heard me talk about this simple formula for getting results: 

Knowledge + Action – Overthink = RESULTS. 

Overthink is the absolute ENEMY of getting what you want in life.  

Overthink is the spinning in your mind, the mental ping pong game going back and forth, asking ‘will this work’, ‘what if I fail’, ‘what will people think of me’.  

Overthink EXHAUSTS your mind because your brain consumes so much energy. You can literally be wiped out without having done a thing to move your business or personal life further.  

Overthink causes stress, anxiety, and lack of time.  

But what if you could replace OVERTHINK with CERTAINTY?  

You’d be able to take all that precious time and energy and use it for creating ACTION! 

It’s like a double win, turn down the anxiety and stress, turn up taking action...

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Unlock Your Next Level: A Simple 3-Step Formula for Coaches and Entrepreneurs

If you've been in one of my group coaching calls, you've probably heard me talk about a very simple 3 step formula for getting results. 

After working with hundreds of coaches and entrepreneurs, I found a very easy way to diagnose WHERE we need to focus on to unlock the next level and today I want to share that with you. 

If you know me, you know I BELIEVE that we all are capable of doing so much more than we can possibly imagine. You know I believe that if someone else can do it, then so can we. It's just a formula.

If we are hitting a plateau, or running into a wall over and over without a breakthrough, then its one or more of these areas:

1 - We don't have the right knowledge.

2 - We aren't taking the right action.

3- We are overthinking it (meaning we are spending time questioning if its going to work out or not, analysis paralysis, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of judgment, comparing and looking at others, fear of repeating a mistake or bad...

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