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Unleash Your Impact: Overcoming the Fear of Others' Opinions

If you are wanting to make an impact in the world by creation content or offering your services online, you’ll eventually come across people who try to make you feel like sh*t.  

I remember a few years ago when I first started creating content, I feared what people would say.  

I would see other creators putting stuff out see the nasty & heartless comments left by trolls.   

I knew eventually my day would come and committed to never letting anyone else dim my flame.  

Since then, I’ve been called a “Wanna be Tony Robbins” &  “Snake oil salesman”. 

I’ve shared the story of how I took in my (now adopted son) on moment’s notice because he was being neglected and abused by his meth addicted birth parents at the age of 1. I shared how we baked cookies and raised money via Go Fund Me to fight a $90k legal battle to protect him because the state wouldn't.  

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