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Mastering LinkedIn Algorithm: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

It was exactly 3 years ago that I was struggling and struggling to get going on LinkedIn. 

I remember I’d post something that I though was profound and yet I would get crickets. 

1-5 likes, 0 to 3 comments (see my screen shot below of when I first started).  

It went on like this for months, I almost gave up. Then I started figuring out how to trigger the algorithm. 

After that my connections, engagement and enjoyment on the platform skyrocketed! 

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know what the algorithm is looking for and bump their heads up against the wall like I did, then think that their content sucks or that their audience isn’t there and then give up on what could be 6 figures of business. 

Did you know that LinkedIn’s algorithm will throw your content into what’s called a ‘Spam Bucket’ and you won’t even know it (other than your posts are getting crickets)? 

Here are 5 common mistakes...

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